This is the main image map

Last Updated 11/22/2004.

Mounting NFS file shares
This is handy for watching movies via your network or transferring files easily. On the desktop, setup NFS file sharing, and choose a folder to share.
On the Zaurus, connect to your network (I use the wireless) and open the terminal.
At the prompt:
mkdir /home/zaurus/Documents/nfs
#mount -t nfs /home/zaurus/Documents/nfs
Replace the IP address and the path to your desktop folder with whatever you choose to share via NFS. Now whatever is shared will appear as documents in your Internal Flash, nfs folder. This is handy for streaming movies, or being able access your entire music collection via the wireless network. This mount point in temporary, and will persist until the Zaurus is reset. As this does not happen very often it is not a big deal. You can put it in you fstab, but the Zaurus may hang at bootup, and it is not that hard to type in a command. I will probably end up making a simple script to mount it for me.

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