Main Index

Last Updated Sat May 13 13:52:03 CDT 2006 .

Software Reviews and Downloads for the Sharp Zaurus.

Use the navigation on the left to find the software you are looking for.
= Applications and PIM like Spreadsheets or Addressbooks.
= Command Line Interface, non graphical programs.
= Games like Asteroids or Card Games.
= Libraries and other utilities like C/GCC.
= Multimedia like Music Players and Drawing Programs.
= Network Applications like Web Browsers or IM.
All of the files are hosted on's server. Remember this is a privilage, not a right.
All of the programs that have a screen shot have been installed by me successfully. It is noted if an application does not work on the SL-6000 and what I have not tested.

If you find my reviews and downloads helpful, please feel free to donate any amount using the secure Paypal link below!

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